It was inevitable that a post 9/!! widow/er, 3 hanky flick, was gonna come out, whodathunkit was gonna be an Adam Sandler vehicle?
I'm going to leave off any discussion of the film's relative merits on this site, since the focus is on technology, maybe I'll post about it elswhere, but I do want to mention that in the trailer that's making the rounds we see both Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle tooling around Manhattan's streets on the kind of scooter we champion here on Digital Components.
Yes, I know it's a gas model, but at least it's a step in the right direction.
I don't have a lot of hope that it will spark the revolution in the general public mind that this is the future of urban transport, but maybe it will break through and convince a few folk that are tired of paying $2 a ride on the NYC subway system that this is not only a viable alternative, but an economic one since it costs all of 2 cents a day to use an electric scooter in Manhattan.
At around $300 for a scooter like Adam Sandler rides in "Reign Over Me" the thing pays for itself in all of 3 months, or less.
Go see this movie, if you like, there was talk about releasing it last December for Oscar season, so the performances may be worthwhile.